Amplificator auto Stereo 2X46W sau Mono 1X92W cu TDA1566

Descrierea amplificatorului:

TDA1566 este un amplificator audio pentru auto cu un etaj de iesire complementar realizat cu tehnologie BCDMOS. Integratul TDA1566 are doua etaje de amplificare in paralel(BTL) si vine in doua variante din fabrica,HSOP24 sau DBS27P. TDA1566 poate fi controlat cu I2C sau fara I2C .Cu I2C-bus control se poate selecta nivelul gain pe fiecare canal si nivelurile de declansare pentru diagnostice tot pe fiecare canal in parte.Deasemenea cu I2c se poate controla conditiile de eroare si de identificare a iesirii. Identificarea iesirii monitorizeaza si ajusteaza automat in functie de ce este conectat la iesirea amplificatorului si face diferenta intre o sarcina  DC sau AC,daca este conectata o boxa,o iesire pre un alt amplificator,sau daca nu este nimic conectat la iesire. TDA1566 poate fi configurat pentru o singura iesire MONO la 1Ω.


Ce este I2C ?

I2C-Bus: What’s that?

The I2C bus was designed by Philips in the early ’80s to allow easy communication between components which reside on the same circuit board. Philips Semiconductors migrated to NXP in 2006.

The name I2C translates into “Inter IC”. Sometimes the bus is called IIC or I²C bus.

The original communication speed was defined with a maximum of 100 kbit per second and many applications don’t require faster transmissions. For those that do there is a 400 kbit fastmode and – since 1998 – a high speed 3.4 Mbit option available. Recently, fast mode plus a transfer rate between this has been specified.  Beyond this there is the ultra fast mode UFM, but frankly, this is not a real I2C bus.

I2C is not only used on single boards, but also to connect components which are linked via cable. Simplicity and flexibility are key characteristics that make this bus attractive to many applications.

Most significant features include:

  • Only two bus lines are required
  • No strict baud rate requirements like for instance with RS232, the master generates a bus clock
  • Simple master/slave relationships exist between all components
    Each device connected to the bus is software-addressable by a unique address
  • I2C is a true multi-master bus providing arbitration and collision detection



Tehnologii incorporate:

  • Functionare atat in mod I2C cat si in non I2C
  • Versiunea TH: patru adrese I2C controlate de 2 pini ; Versiunea J:2 I2C controlate de un pin
  • Two 4 Ω or 2 Ω capable BTL channels or one 1 Ω capable BTL channel
  • doua canale de 4 Ω sau 2Ω sau un canal la 1 Ω
  • Detectare automata a defectiunilor difuzoarelor
  • Gain selectabil (26 dB si 16 dB)
  • I2C
  • Protectie pe iesire: normal, scurt si prezenta difuzor
  • Detectare automata a twetere-lor
  • Nivel de sensibilitate programabila pentru protectia DC sau AC pe iesire
  • Gain programabil individual pe fiecare canal (26 dB si 16 dB)
  • Nivel selectabil pentru alarma protectiei termice.
  • Protectie la scurt circuit individual pe fiecare canal
  • Protectie la pierdera masei
  • Toate iesirile sunt protejate fata de + si/sau masa
  • Toti pinii sunt protejati fata de masa
  • Gain controlat automat in functie de temperatura

Schema Electrica:

Schema pentru 2 x 46 W 4 Ω sau 2Ω

Schema pentru 1 x 92 W 1Ω

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